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  • Training Programs & 马里兰州兰多弗研究所

    兰多弗的富通斯学院, 马里兰州华盛顿郊区, DC为有兴趣进入医疗和牙科职业领域的人提供职业教育和培训计划. At FORTIS College, we focus on providing quality postsecondary education to both traditional and nontraditional students through a variety of certificate and associate degree programs.

    FORTIS College’s Medical Assisting program prepares students to work in a variety of healthcare facilities in a career that is not only fulfilling, 同时也是增长最快的职业之一, according to the U.S. 劳工统计局. Our experienced faculty will guide you through a comprehensive curriculum designed to teach you the knowledge and hands-on skills you need to be successful as a medical assistant. 我们的医疗账单和编码课程教授学生在医生办公室或医疗机构工作所需的技能和术语,以便为保险目的正确编码医疗记录.

    Our Associate Degree Program in 放射技术 teaches students the clinical and academic skills they need to become entry-level radiographers. 放射技师在诊所进行诊断性影像学检查, hospitals, 以及其他医疗设施,以帮助医生诊断疾病和治疗损伤. 未来十年,放射技师的工作机会预计将以高于平均水平的速度增长.

    如果你的兴趣更集中于牙齿健康, 那么你应该考虑我们的口腔卫生或牙科助理培训英国正版365官方网站. 虽然工作职责不同, 牙科助理和牙科保健员都是牙科保健队伍的重要成员. Our career education programs prepare you with the knowledge and hands-on skills you need to obtain an entry-level position in a dental clinic, 教育机构, 公共卫生环境等等. 

    我们的每个课程都经过精心设计,以提高每个学生的职业潜力. 我们的教育过程是以改变为导向的, 通过传统课堂教学的平衡来培养学生, 实验室实践和动手技能的发展.

    如果你正在寻找通过牙科职业教育发展你的机会, 医疗或保健领域, 那么兰多弗的FORTIS学院就是适合你的地方. 今天致电了解更多关于如何开始你的教育之旅,以一个新的职业生涯.

    * 下面列出的课程可以获得证书或副学士学位


    如果你喜欢触动别人的生活, 对朋友和家人产生积极影响, love working with your community and those in need - a career in healthcare will surely bring you a great deal of satisfaction. 医疗技术英国正版365官方网站涵盖了一系列的技能, FORTIS可以让您走上通往完美职业生涯的正确道路.

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    以下课程可能需要执照或认证才能获得就业. Please find your program of interest to determine if the program meets the educational requirements for licensure or certification in your state.